Thursday 20 November 2008


Q1:Say what we did in today's lesson?
Ans:We used diffenret kinds of tools and thier functions in photoshop toolbox program.

Q2:List all the tools you used and how they wrok?
Ans:Tools I used in toolbox program.
1.Move: select the image and move it in different poistions.
2.Text: use the text tool to make the font size smaller to larger and also change the colour of
font size.
3.Magic wand: to select the image.
4.Brush: to change image in different sizes.
5.Clone & pattern stamp: to paint the image.

Q3:Put your picure onto your post,underneath your picture tell me each item change you changed to create it?
Ans:I copied the image and paste in different position,i used the move tool to move the postion of trees,i used the clone tool to paintng the image.

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