Monday 8 February 2010

Photo Theory

Capture: Reflectws light from an object passes in to a camera and then onto a light sensitive surfaces.

Process: The captured image is turned into something we can see.

Store: The image is put onto something er cn keep, such as a printed photograph.

Analogue Photography

(1). Light enterts camera through lens.
(2). Light hits light sensitive film and reacts with it.
(3). Film removed from camera and put into chemicals for developing into negative.
(4). Negative projected onto photographic paper and printed, using more chemicals.

Digital Photography

(1). Light enters cameras through lens and hits light sensitive sensor.
(2). Signal from sensor converted into digital data by a processor.
(3). Digital data stored as an image on a storage medium in the camera.

RAW: A computer can correct RAW files more successfully than those that have been processed by the camera.However, RAW files are very large and no all software can edit them.

JPEG: The name JPEG stands for Joint Photographic Experts Group - the group who set this standard for digital photo cpmpression. When a captured image is turned into a JPEG,quality is sacrificed for a reduction in the size of the file - consequently this is known as "loosy" process.

File Type: Bitmapped Graphics Format
File Extension: .bmp
Use: Used internally by the Microsoft Windows Graphics SubSystem

File Type: PICT
File Extension: .pct
USe: Introduced on the original Apple MaCintouch computer as its standard digital image fo;e format.

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